Is A Wedding Loan The Right Choice For You?
Is A Wedding Loan The Right Choice For You? The National Average Cost of a Wedding was $33,391, down from $35,329 in 2016!!! This includes the ceremony, dresses, tuxedos/suits, flowers, cake, food/drinks, photography, DJ, event hall, decorations, honeymoon, and more. So it’s no surprise that the cost of a wedding can be tough to swallow…and for some, difficult to afford. What Are Wedding Loans? A Wedding Loan isn’t something your financial institution will have on their register of products. Rather, they will issue you a personal loan you can use to finance wedding expenses. When you get a personal loan, you will receive all your money upfront. You can get an unsecured personal loan for your wedding — which means you won’t have to put up any collateral — but you will have to make monthly payments throughout a set term. Personal loans come with either fixed or variable interest rates. Fixed rates tend to look higher when you’re c...