Atmosphere Productions: Multi-Cultural Marriage Customs by Roseann Benson
With close to two million Multi-Cultural marriages in the U.S, it is apparent that people are not letting the differences in culture hold them back from falling in love. Increasing rates of immigration result in growing populations of minorities within many large cities, offering a whole new spectrum to the selection process of dating. Multi-Cultural Marriage Customs is a fascinating collection of global wedding traditions that range from practical to whimsical. This fun and informative read will serve as reference material for years to come. Roseann Benson specializes in nonfiction writing, loves traveling, and enjoys learning about other cultures. In the publishing world, Ms. Benson has contributed story ideas to Asian Boston, content comments to Cadogan Guides, and articles for Salem News. She was an editor of and a contributor to "Automation in Proteomics and Genomics: An Engineering Case-Based Problem Solving Approach" and the author of "101 Puppy-Buying T...